The Brothers

Sentence Types
Simple - contains one independent clause and no dependent clauses
Compound - Contains two independent clauses and no dependent clauses
Complex - Contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses
Compound-complex - contains a minimum of two independent clauses and one dependent clause
Sentence Guidelines
Use strong subjects
Place verbs in the vicinity of subjects, and use active voice
Keep sentence complements clear and uncluttered
Any part of speech acting as a noun
Use strong, clear subjects in preference to vague structures
Avoid complex nominalizations as subjects
Indicate action being taken by the subject
Indicate the state or condition of the subject
Keep verbs and their subjects close together
Use active voice over passive voice
Active Voice - A clause in which the actor is the subject of the sentence
Passive voice - A clause in which the object of the action is the subject of the sentence
Transitive verb - requires a direct object that receives the action of the verb
Intransitive verb - does not require direct action
Use words of the same part of speech after parallel connectives
Use with parts of speech for words in a sentence
Adjectives - limit, describe, qualify, or make more exact the meaning of any noun, pronoun, or subject of a clause
Adverbs - Limit, describe, qualify, or make more exact the meaning of any verb, adjective or other adverb

Avoid dangling modifiers


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